sexta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2010

The Crisis

The Crisis

The theme of today is the crisis, everyone speaks of it, is the subject that goes from mouth to mouth. All complain and whine, but ultimately what the crisis is not the reflection of the attitudes of us all, instead of human beings with feelings of unconditional love for others, we become selfish and egocentric beings and primarily consumerist. Was to see that sooner or later we reached the abyss of despair and not have purchasing power and much less able to meet financial responsibilities.
An advice for me and all of you: stop, look and listen to your heart, be yourself, love to themselves and others if all you need most is love and this can not be bought, but grown- and if this is one of the foods we need most. Be humble, be honest with yourselves and see that half of the things we need can relinquish them. It is essential that this time let the material appetites aside and proceed to give due weight to the Unconditional Love

Carina Nobre st 04/10

O Presente estamos lá e o Futuro o que será???.......

Pois é, nos dias de hoje quem é que não ouviu falar de Internet e nas redes sociais nem que seja do faceboock, da famosa quinta de cultivo que já é muito familiar para todos. Inicialmente a Internet começou por ser usada a nível profissional mas rapidamente tomou outras proporções hoje em dia é usada por todo o tipo de pessoas, idades, e nacionalidades. È sem duvida a forma de chegarmos a todo o lado quando e sempre que quisermos. É viajar no mundo virtual onde se conhece e aprende de tudo um pouco. É comunicar com familiares e amigos em que a distância territorial os separa e com o pequeno monitor os aproxima facilitando as suas comunicações e os seus laços fraternais.É facilitar determinadas organizações burocráticas que através de uma senha já se consegue aceder a partir de casa e resolver determinados assuntos sem nos deslocarmos. A evolução do mundo mundo virtual foi de uma forma brusca e acelerada mas e depois é a isso que me pergunto
O Presente estamos lá e o Futuro o que será???...

Carina Nobre st 04/10

quarta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2010

Toyota Prius

My name is Rodolfo Silva and i´m 34 years old.
Group: ST 04/10

Until the introduction of model Prius, all cars were moved by fuel, diesel or electric motors. Fuel or diesel cars have an internal combustion engine that creates movement at the transmission, which by its turn creates the spinning movement of the wheels. By the other hand, electric car’s have a set of batteries that supply the engine, which moves the transmission and the wheels.
The idea of creating a hybrid system comes from the wish of combining the best of the electric motor with the best of the combustion engine. A hybrid system uses a combustion engine and an electrical motor for propulsion. When the vehicle stops, the petrol engine also stops instead of staying at the ralenti point, wasting energy.
To pull out or when using low speed, the car uses the electric motor, fed by the battery of high voltage. At elevated speeds, the combustion motor moves the vehicle, but the system gives priority for the motor of combustion to work only in the rotations in which it is more efficient. When the power is not sufficient, the electric motor compensates that lack, receiving energy of the HV battery.
If the vehicle moves in a stabilized speed, the motor of combustion will be able to produce more energy than it arranges necessary. In this case, the excess energy is used to produce electricity, reloading the battery. During the slowing down, the motor stops automatically to avoid wastes of energy. And during a slowing down using the brake, the lethargy of the car itself is used to produce electric energy, which is stored in the HV battery.

domingo, 10 de outubro de 2010

Ana Sofia

Jem' appelle Ana Sofia je sui de nationalite portugaise, j' ai 39 ans et jevis dors un village au nord de lisbonne appelé Olho Marinho.
Ma stiation familiale:
Mariee avec deux enfants:
diogo agé de 14 ans et Tiago 9 ans.
J´aime voyager, j´ai visité des capitales de L'europe comme paris et prágue.
j' ai visité L' Allemagne, La Suisse et tout le portugal.

quinta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2010

O que são lesões musculoesqueléticas

O que são lesões musculoesqueléticas ligadas ao trabalho
São um conjunto amplo e diversificado de patologias, que se sobrepõem, na sua maioria, às doenças reumáticas periarticulares, mas que diferem destas por incluírem algumas situações de lesões osteoarticulares e das bolsas sinoviais e por apresentarem, na sua origem, factores de risco de natureza ocupacional.

What are work-related injuries musculoesqueléticas
Are a broad and diverse set of pathologies that overlap, mostly on rheumatic periarticulares, but which differ from these by include some situations osteoarticulares lesions and synovial and scholarships by submitting, in its origin, risk factors for occupational nature.

Ana Paula N. Oliveira Grupo SO 01/10 Óbidos