Blogue criado com o objectivo de facultar uma plataforma de comunicação entre os candidatos ao processo de Reconhecimento, Validação e Certificação de Competências e como meio de acesso a informação relativa ao processo. Pretende-se, também, que este espaço seja uma forma privilegiada de demonstrar competências nas 3 Áreas de Competências-Chave do Referencial.
sábado, 31 de dezembro de 2011
La importance de la INTERNET

quinta-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2011
In our days we can do so much with the
Internet. We can pay our bills without going out, do the IRS without going to
the waiting lines in the department of finances, we can talk with members of our
family who are away saving money from phone calls, we can research for some works,
before we had to go to the library or look in the encyclopedia.
We can also see the news online and look
in several blogs for information in subjects we like.
We have to be careful when we have
children because there are a wide number of sites that are very dangerous to them.
Elisabete Geraldes
Grupo SC 05/11
The Internet
I supervise my young son when he goes to school and what time he enters, what he had for lunch and when he gets out of the school on the Internet, so I'll be more relaxed and calm.
The Internet is the best thing that could exist nowadays!
quarta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2011
Internet is one of greatest invention
domingo, 25 de dezembro de 2011
Mário Cubeira - Grupo ST-04/10
With its appearance, it has become simpler and faster to meet new people and cultures without leaving home.
The Internet is a simplified form that provides us with information and that puts us in touch with the real world, which makes it a practical tool, indispensable today.
In our day-to-day, the Internet occupies a place of great prominence, both as a business tool, where many companies use it also to promote their business, and in our homes, where we use it not only as a useful tool for important needs but also as a leisure and entertainment giving as, for example the social networks that are emerging. These exist as a form of distraction, and also put us closer to who we like, even more when there is a great physical distance.
sexta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2011
The Internet Impact in our Lives
The net brought us good as well as bad things in a day by day basis.
In general made our lives much easier.
We can check news,shooping online,receive and send e-mails,browsing almost everything,even working online.
Also have a dark side,things like scams,pishing,hacking and several websites wich can bring problems to your life,are also part of the World Wide Web.
But like everything in life,nothing is perfect,it was created by humans.
Sílvia Ribeiro
Grupo SC 05/11
quinta-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2011
The importance of Internet
In my case, the most important things that I do using the Internet are to do research in forums about my favorite topics, such as cars and hunting; and also the email.
Name: Pedro Ricardo Tordo Guerra
Group: SC 05/11
sábado, 17 de dezembro de 2011
The importance of the Internet in my life.
With the internet I now do things I life a little easier.
For example, I can now do the irs and forward it without the finances to go pick up the dry hours in line, can I check my account balance through the net, I can subpoena documents in direct social seguança among other things.
Having internet makes me be closer to my family because I live away from them can speak with them by video call on msn or facebook, so I will keep me informed of family situations.
Today I have great friendships that began online and do not speak only in Portugal know people a little bit everywhere in the world.
A good way to broaden horizons without leaving Portugal.
The Internet is a medium fast and effective.
I think the internet has been the company of many people including my own now that I'm unemployed.
Today I think that no one lives without the Internet.
Élia Silva
quarta-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2011
The importance of the internet in my life
The internet is one of the most used resources in our daily lives, it has a wide range of options, but there are many people that still do not have access to this, so I think the authorities of the country should offer citizen all services that make fife easier.
I think the internet is a positive mean of communication in our society, but it has some negative aspects, because there is a danger of viruses, children have access to pornographic sites and can be in conversation with ePals, so isolate themselves and do not even know personality. I know that the information is not always 100% true and we may not have privacy in what we write because there are people who copy works (plagiarism); there are cyber crimes, people who can break into our computer or bank account and violate our rights. Suppose it is in our hand or not giving the proper use of the internet in our lives.
Maria Luisa Romão Fernandes Cândido
Grupo SC -5/11
Internet: The power of information

The internet is today a powerful tool that everybody can use, at home or in shops. It’s a global scale of millions of communications and makes it easy to know what is happening in the other side of the world.
We can go shopping, we can read news or magazines and we can do everything else. It’s very funny communicating with family or friends, and if we have the right equipment, we can see these people and talk to them.
It´s very used by the children at school to find extra information for their works.
The internet makes part of our lives.
Mafalda Maria Maximiano Soares Morais
domingo, 11 de dezembro de 2011
The Internet changed how we communicate
I also use the Internet to read the news because it is quicker and easier to read the news on the Internet than on newspapers and I don't have to pay to read them.
I also use the Internet to play on-line video games with people from other countries.
One of the most important functions of the Internet is the search. It allows us to find information on almost everything and very quickly. I use the Google search engine.
I think the Internet is a great invention because with it we can access information and communicate much more quickly than we used to communicate when we used paper mail.
Élio Silva | ST-03/10
segunda-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2011
Avantages/inconvénients de l'internet
Avoir accès à un large éventail d'informations;
Communication plus rapide et communication pas vidéo;
Possibilité de lire les nouvelles, sans bouger.
Mais il existe aussi des inconvénients:
Plus possibilité de creation de virus informatiques;
Que les gens peuvent devenir dépendants à un point et finalement être isolés de ceux qui les entourent;
Facilité d'accès aux programmes pornographiques.
J'utilise souvent l'internet pour faire de la recherche
Sandra oliveira SCT04/11
sábado, 3 de dezembro de 2011
Je pense que l'Internet a été une grande étape dans le développement de technologies.
Les entreprises sont désormais dépendants de l'internet. Au fil des ans, elle était de compléter les habitudes au jour le jour des personnes à la fois professionnellement et personnellement.
Ce qui est nécessaire pour observer cette habitude de la société, sont vraiment lesavantages et les inconvénients de ce phénomène.
Ne les avantages l'emportent sur les inconvénients? Ou est-il plus d'inconvénients que d'avantages?
À mon avis, l'Internet nous donne une très large gamme d'informations sur un sujetprécis ou général, nous donne la possibilité de grandes enquêtes, nous pouvons choisir ce que nous voyons, lire et apprendre.
Donnez-nous rapidement sur la demande n'importe où, n'importe quand. L'Internetnous donne non seulement la possibilité de rechercher des informations ainsi que la capacité d'interagir en temps réel avec quiconque dans le monde.
Il ya en effet une connaissance énorme virtuel.
Mais tout n'est pas bonne, il ya aussi quelques inconvénients qui viennent contrer ces demandes, parce que pas toutes les informations sont crédibles ou véridiquesdans ce qu'ils peuvent conduire à des malentendus.
Il ya des inconvénients compliquée par le simple fait que n'importe qui peut accéder à l'Internet, en particulier les enfants. Toutes les précautions sont peu quand onlaisser à nos enfants l'accès à l'Internet, il ya des millions de sites non contrôlésayant un contenu sexuel, la pornographie, la violence, les ventes de drogues illicites, des armes et des personnes et des enfants, bref tout ce qui peut être fait sur Internet.
Dans quelle mesure l'Internet peut être un moyen fiable? Dans quelle mesure nous pouvons dire que beaucoup de guerres et de nombreux problèmes sociaux n'ont pas été et sont causées par l'Internet?
Combien de personnes souffraient de la diffamation et la calomnie sur Internet?
Tout ceci nous amène à se demander si en fait il ya plus d'avantages que d'inconvénients? Je pense que c'est une question qui restera à jamais ouverte.
Sónia Inocêncio
Grupo sc 05/11
domingo, 13 de novembro de 2011
Crisis in Portugal
Hello, I'm Maria Gabriela Antunes. Group RT 05/11
In nowadays our country is faced with many sad news about our economy and our future. And that news increases the bad mood of our population, taking away our hope of a better future. It is said the European Union is making efforts for a better future for this horrible present we are living in, but in my opinion, we can’t stay still and do nothing, just hoping for more money or other kind of help, we must work together as a nation, helping each other without regrets! We can’t rely just on our government. In our present we have to support a welfare society.
Why? It is obvious… If our country is getting poorer by the day, we must help each other, and I think this is most important. Our “once upon a time rich country” is getting old and tired of corruption and bad governments, It is time for Us to get up and do what we do best to get rid of this cruel stigma, the IMF (International Monetary Fund.) I have faith in our will to have a better future!
The Internet is for me a very useful tool. What I use in my day to day in my work, is also a means of information and communication, faster and cheaper, easier access to information. So the Internet is an instrument "powerful" that through him we can learn a variety of information. For example can I learn about it via news and events, with social networks like facebook, etc.. I can be in contact with my friends and family. Also through my email I am in contact with my friends, family, suppliers and customers and others. With the use of the Internet has facilitated the search form and so on. Normally I use the site frequently is Google.
domingo, 30 de outubro de 2011
Ana Paula Rebelo SCT-04/11
Si au début l'internet était seulement un moyen rapide de rechercher, sa démocratisation et son accessibilité croissante, l´ancré dans notre vie quotidienne. La preuve en est que l’on dépasse de plus en plus de temps sur la toile. Cette invention, en un peu plus de vingt ans a complètement changé notre vie.
Comme toutes les nouvelles inventions, elle nous entraîne toujours vers des choses moins bonnes. Certains utilisateurs deviennent des abuseurs au point de changer leur vie quotidienne et même leurs heures de sommeil, pour rester connecté en permanence. L’autre problème est l'inexpérience ou la naïveté de qui s'aventure trop loin et s'expose à des escroqueries ou même à la criminalité organisé.
Mais c’est le phénomène récent des réseaux sociaux qui a transformé nos relations les plus intimes. Ce phénomène est de telle sorte que tout ce qui se passe dans nos vies, est sur le réseau, et ce qui n'y est pas, n'existe tout simplement pas.
Que cela nous plaise ou pas, l'Internet est venu pour rester, plus que ça, elle este en train de transformer la société et leurs consciences. Preuve en est, les récentes révolutions au Maghreb, qui ont renversé des régimes installés depuis longtemps.
quarta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2011
Obesity in childrens
Studies to show that childhood obesity is growing at a fast pace would be good if the competent authorities to take steps to avoid this same advertising.
Idália Silva grupo ST-02/11
sábado, 1 de outubro de 2011
A importância da Internet
Magda Alexandre
SCT 04/11
quarta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2011
We can not forget the way the world is constantly changing, in thiscase of the Internet has changed the way people communicate and access information in a much faster, this has brought us new ways to communicate, allowing interaction with other people of different cultures, thus enabling the sharing of opinions, criticisms andsuggestions via email, forums and social networks. The internet is nodoubt in my opinion a way to communicate is of utmost importancethat enables the exchange of different views and backgrounds, while helping people in response to their daily problems.
segunda-feira, 29 de agosto de 2011
The Internet Importance
Nowadays it is an essencial good, who doesn't know how to use a computer or use the internet have big problems in the work market.
Today everything has a virtual image on the internet and everyone has a page or an avatar. With this inovations we can save trees and save a little bit more the mother nature and polutes less the environement. With the internet help we can innovate in all the ways.
Maria João Lourenço Silva. Grupo Sct 04/11
quinta-feira, 18 de agosto de 2011
Process Rvcc Idália Silva ST02/11
What makes you feel like you do not walk to school to play but, to instruct me.
quinta-feira, 7 de julho de 2011
A importância da internet na minha vida
Bom dia, a internet fez parte da minha vida pessoal e sobretudo profissional. Durante a minha formação profissional, frequentei algumas formações para aprender a trabalhar com alguns programas como o: Word, Excel e o Gold. Porque no meu trabalho éramos obrigados a saber trabalhar com um computador, se não, não conseguia evoluir na minha careira profissional. Ao frequentar esses cursos, permitiu-me de ficar mais a vontade diante dele, muito mais rápido e mais bem organizado. Estas formações permitiram-me de melhorar as consultas na internet na minha vida privada, podia ler os jornais em português sobretudo os desportivos, consultar alguns sites de Portugal e comunicar com a minha família, primeiro por email e depois com a webcam. Para mim a internet permitiu-me de me aproximar das pessoas de que eu gosto e de comunicar mais facilmente com elas.
L’importance de L’internet dans ma vie
Bonjour, l’internet a fait partie de ma vie personnel et surtout professionnel. Pendant ma formations professionnels, j’ai suivi plusieurs cours de formations pour apprendre a travailler avec les différents programmes comme : World, Excel et Gold. Parce que dans mon travail on été obligé de savoir travailler avec les ordinateur si non je ne pouvais pas évoluer dans ma carrier professionnel. En suivant ces cours ça ma permis d’être très alaise devant un ordinateur et beaucoup plus rapide et organiser dans le quotidien. Ces cours on été très importent pour pouvoir mieux consulter l’internet dans ma vie privée, je pouvait lire les journaux portugais surtout les sportifs, consulte certain cite du Portugal et communiquer avec ma famille, d’abord par Email et plus tard avec la Webcam. Pour moi l’internet ma permis de me rapprocher les personnes que j’aime et de communiquer plus facilement avec elles.
Henrique Loureiro ST-02/11
quarta-feira, 6 de julho de 2011
Iniciei o Processo RVCC para tirar o 12º ano e espero que sim pois é um sonho que quero realizar.
Em relação á Internet acho que é uma mais valia tanto para quem trabalha como para quem estuda. Até mesmo para mim facilita-me muito a vida porque nunca tenho tempo para nada e pela Internet faço as compras cá para casa.
Hello, I'm Eliana, I live in urbanizacão Vale Vite, it is a very quiet area and close to beaches. I started the process to get the 12th year and I hope so because it is a dream I want to accomplish. In relation to the Internet I think it is a plus for those working and to those who study.
Even for me it makes my life easier because I never have time to do anything and by Internet can buy twings online.
segunda-feira, 4 de julho de 2011
Processo Rvcc
Quando pensei em inscrever-me para fazer o nível secundário, estava longe de imaginar que seria tão exigente mas ao mesmo tempo muito interessante, pois, faz-me pensar e reviver muitas coisas que, até já estavam “arrumadas” á muito tempo. Faz-me pesquisar, pensar, informar, e.t.c.
O que faz com que sinta que não ando a brincar às escolas mas sim, a instruir-me.
When I thought I would sign up to secondary level was far from imagining that it would be so demanding but at the same time very interesting because it makes me think and relive many things that until now were "arranged" a long time. Makes me look, think, inform, e.t.c.
What makes you feel like you've been playing not to schools but to instruct me.
Idália Silva ST 02/11
domingo, 3 de julho de 2011
Environmental Preservation
Diogo Faustino
terça-feira, 21 de junho de 2011
les avantages des tic dans ma vie
segunda-feira, 20 de junho de 2011
The future youngsters have to face
Nowadays, in our country, Portugal, young people who are trying to get a job and start to have an independent life face serious problems. Firstly, most of them don’t have jobs available if they try to work according to their studies. So, if they don’t have a way to earn money, it’s impossible to think about making their life project come true. They can’t buy a house to live. I think most of them are obliged to find a job in another country.
The scariest thing about this situation is that it is being much more difficult to survive and to solve all problems concerning the Economy of the country and of Europe. Personally, it seems to me that this situation will prevail for, at least, three more years. Hoping for better days to come...
quarta-feira, 15 de junho de 2011
SCT 04/11
sónia Ferreira
terça-feira, 14 de junho de 2011
Les avantages et les inconvénients de l'Internet
Avantages/inconvénients de l' Internet
Avantages de l'Internet
Avoir accès à un large éventail d'informatios;
Communication plus rapide de communication vidéo peut avoir lieu;
Possibilité de lire nouvelles, sans bouger.
Plus possibilité de creation de virus informatiques;
Que les gens peuvent devenir dépendants à un point que finalement être isolés de ceux qui les entourent;
Facilité d'accès aux programmes pornographiques.
J'ai souvent recours à Internet pour faire de la recherche
Sandra Oliveira
SCT 04/11
The Internet has brought new forms of communication such as email, blogs, Messenger, among others, which completely transformed the way we communicate and relate with others, decreasing the distance between places and people, there are no barriers here.
Provides access to a range of services available to a single click, as the discovery of a whole world of information and technology.
In my work I use the Web constantly for making payments, data entry, queries, searches, and even chat with friends and colleagues. But do not forget that there are also negative aspects such as the illegal use of information and procurement of various criminal practices, may not forget to warn the young couple to the dangers of the net (do not know who is behind a keyboard).
Ana Sofia Nunes
domingo, 12 de junho de 2011
L´internet dans nos vies
Si au début l'internet était seulement un moyen rapide de rechercher, sa démocratisation et son accessibilité croissante, la ancré dans notre vie quotidienne. La preuve en est que l’on dépasse de plus en plus de temps sur la toile. Cette invention, en un peu plus de vingt ans a complètement changé notre vie.
Comme toutes les nouvelles inventions, outre les bonnes choses, elle nous entraîne toujours vers des choses moins bonnes. Certains utilisateurs et devienne des abuseur au point de changer leur vie quotidienne et même leurs heures de sommeil, pour rester connecté en permanence. L’autre problème est l'inexpérience ou la naïveté de qui s'aventure trop loin et s'exposer à des escroqueries ou même à la criminalité organisé
Mais c’est le phénomène récent des réseaux sociaux qui est a transforme nos relations les plus intimes. Ce phénomène est de telle sorte que tout ce qui se passe dans nos vies, est sur le réseau, et ce qui n'y est pas, n'existe tout simplement pas.
Que cela nous plaise ou pas, l'Internet est venu pour rester, plus que ça, elle este en train de transformer la société et de leurs consciences. Preuve en est, les récentes révolutions au Maghreb, qui ont renversé des régimes installés depuis longtemps.
domingo, 5 de junho de 2011
There are people willing and training to help others even though they often leave their own country. There are institutions like UNICEF, organized to assist in case of wars, disasters, earthquakes, etc.. Its purpose is to promote better living conditions, development and protection of the rights of all children and adolescents.
Thankfully, this kind of institutions exist, because despite the affection of the family is irreplaceable, needy children are given a roof to sleep and feeding. What would happen to them when serious incidents, occur and are completely alone and unprotected.
Another important situation is that UNICEF also protects children from physical and sexual exploitation and provides education and health rights. Tools also contribute to nursing, vaccines and professional staff to accompany children and their families with psychological support.
Health, education, and justice are part of the basic rights of all humans, but, unfortunately,they are not accomplished and UNICEF tries to act to help those most affected and vulnerable.
UNICEF has to act and enforce universal rights, especially in the protection and assistance to all children.
As a human being I am, and solidary with others, where I can help the institutions that are in various locations such as supermarkets to ask for help. It costs nothing to each of us to help a little and for those who need it is a great help.
Let us be united, It is a gesture that brings joy and we are working to help someone who really needs our help.
Cláudia Gonçalves
Recycling is one way to value a material that has been used by transforming it into another useful material. Recycling is a method of decreasing the amount of waste, saving energy and natural resources.For materials can be recycled, they must be collected and transported separately deposited, collected and transported. To this end, consumers must follow instructions of their Hall for selective collection ace. Organic waste, which in our country constitute the largest portion of municipal waste can be turned into compost, a useful corrective to organic farming and gardening. The paper and card can be leveraged to produce new paper. The scrap metal can be recovered for smelting and manufacture of new parts. The glass can give rise to new packaging. The plastics can be recovered, melted and molded again.
Raquel Passos ST01/11