terça-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2011


The Internet was born in the decade seventy of the century XX in the United States of America, in sequence of the cold-war, and it is considered one of the most important technological inventions of the century XX.
We can define Internet like a mean that has a big quantity of information, who give us the possibility of internet with all the world.
Internet it’s the present and will be the future, and we can prove that if we see that in our days we can have access to safetys, banks and commercial services through the Internet.
But, like everything, the Internet also has bad things, and can be a dangerous way, because every people of all ages can accede at contents like pornography and pedophilia.
Personally I’m not a great utilitarian of the Internet, but a see and understand the improve and facilities that Internet can give us, socially and in work.

Jerónimo Manuel Oliveira Cristóvão - Grupo SC 05/10

Reanimação Cardio Respiratória

Tive o previlégio, de participar numa acção de formação "PRIMEIROS SOCORROS".
Nomeadamente sobre asma, epilépsia, convulsões onde o ponto princiupal, foi aprender o (SUPORTE BÀSICO DE VIDA),Reanimação Cardio Respiratória. Este exercício foi executado num boneco de borracha.
Para fazer isso tive uzei uma válvula.
Foi uma experiência muito gratificante.

I had the privilege of participating in a fo training about "frist aid" particularly about asthma, epilepsy, and convulctions. W here the main point was to learn (basic life support). Cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
This exercise was executed in a rubber doll. To do that I used and "e-mask one way valve".
It was a great experience.


domingo, 9 de janeiro de 2011

Luís Porfírio

Hi, my name is Luís Porfirio and I live in Carregado since July 2009 with my future wife, Inês. We will be married on May seventh of this year in Almeirim. I’m 26 years old and I was born at Maternidade Alfredo da Costa in Lisbon. I’m a bus driver in Lisbon at Carris, since February 2008. I’m in RVCC to complete the 12th grade and, who knows, continue my studies to university level or simply to allow my progression in Carris career. My favorite hobbies are reading, walking, going to the cinema and navigate in internet. Luís Porfírio SC - 06/10

les avantages des tic dans ma vie

Commencez à travailler avec les ordinateurs et l'Internet est un gros plus pour moi, par exemple à la vie culturelle, loisirs, éducation, activité économique et professionnelle.
Dans mon cas, le niveau culturel de la consultation des œuvres comme des œuvres d'écrivains beaucoup d'entre eux Auguste Curry de préférence un médecin et un écrivain qui sait vraiment comment écrire sur les affaires de la société, les craintes et les problèmes des parents et des enfants pensent que toutes les mères doivent donner un oeil sur ces petits ouvrages importants est également recourir à Internet pour consulter les horaires et les programmes de manifestations telles que foires médiévales, salle à manger, de l'artisanat, les musées et les horaires de monastères et de leurs coûts sur leurs visites. À utiliser pour parler de loisirs et de détente avec des amis et la famille au Portugal et à l'étranger, comme je suis un fan d'anecdotes consulter les pages de l'humour. Dans l'enseignement, je m'inquiète de savoir comment fonctionne l'année scolaire sur le site Web du groupe, des nouvelles de celui-ci et les alternatives que nous les parents et les enseignants doivent faire face à des situations plus compliquées comme la consommation excessive de sucre et erronée la nourriture qui donne lieu à des taux très élevés de diabète et d'obésité. Le niveau professionnel est mon outil de travail seg.social l'envoi de questionnaires, d'assurance, sef, agir. Sur le mouvement économique des banques, des requêtes en bourse, les paiements pour les services, l'État, et bien d'autres situations que sans l'Internet n'était pas possible de faire de ma chaise de bureau.

Celeste Barreto SC-06/10

sábado, 8 de janeiro de 2011


Hello, I'm Jaime Bandeira, I'm 55 years old, I'm living in Ponte do Rol,and I'm attending RVCC to get the 12th grade. The trainers are responsable, interested and nice. My collegues from ST- 03/10 are also very nice and friendly. The ADRO facilities need some improvement work.


sexta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2011

Electódomésticos classe A

Os electódomésticos de classe A são muito mais efecientes do que os restantes e contribuem para a optimização do desempenho energético. Uma grande parte do consumo de energia doméstica está concentrada na cozinha. os electódomésticos de frio doméstico (frigorificose congeladores) lavagem mecanica são responsáveis por grande percentagem do consumo de energia.Deste modo a efeciência dos equipamentos que utilizamos tem sido uma grande aposta da comissão Europeia e resultou na obrigatoriedade de se afixar em cada electródoméstico que está à venda, o respectivo desempenho energético e o consumo de água.Esta classificação é feita através dos simbolos de A G. Assim, os electródomésticos de classe A são os mais efecientes,mais económicos no consumo de energia e no consumo de água. São tambem mais silênciosos podendo ser utilizados nas horas em que a energia é mais barata(por exemplo à noite)sem que o seu ruido seja pertubador.Na compra dos meus electródomésticos tive o cuidado de escolher a classe A pois alêm de poupar água tambem poupo energia uma vez que na minha habitação tenho o sistema bio-horário no consumo de energia.

The class A appliances are more efficient than others and contribute for the energy performance and optimization. The kitchen is the part of the house where we use more energy. The appliances we use in the kitchen, for example the fridge and the freezer are the most responsible for the big consumption of energy at home. So, the appliances efficiency is very important. That's why the European Commission established some rules to the appliances suppliers. They have to affix the level of energy in each appliance they produce (level A,B,C,D,E,F,or G). The appliances of A level are the most economic and efficient. They consume less energy and also less water than the otherb levels. They are more silent, too. When I bought the appliances for my house, I was careful about these questions of energy. I tried to buy the most economic and efficient appliances. That`s why my fridge and freezer are level A.

quinta-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2011


A scripting language developed by Netscape to enable Web authors to design interactive sites. A scripting language is a lightweight programming language. Although it shares many of the features and structures of the full Java language, it was developed independently. Javascript can interact with HTML source code, enabling Web authors to spice up their sites with dynamic content. JavaScript is endorsed by a number of software companies and is an open language that anyone can use without purchasing a license. It is supported by recent browsers from Netscape and Microsoft, though Internet Explorer supports only a subset, which Microsoft calls Jscript.

quarta-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2011

Hello, my name is Ana Raquel, I`m 39 years old and live in Carregado.
I am a married and have two daughters but by june this year i have a girl in my house because i joined a student exchange progam AFS.
This student is from Norway but can speak english.
The culture it is different.
She loves the portuguese food.

Grupo - SC 05/2010

terça-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2011

Uma palavra amiga

Hello, my name is John and I will leave my testimony about the program rvcc.
Is being a success, with more or less difficulty there give a little step ahead, knowing that in this 12th year horinzonte, now we just need the rest walk to get there.
I have to say that since professional rvcc to pass the class that I am proud to be part of the group.
Strength class
A hug ...
John Raymond
Group SC-05/10

domingo, 2 de janeiro de 2011

Tradução Francês-Português

Aspirateur balai:
Détacher láspirateur balai du support chargeur et appuyer sur le bouton de fonctionnement .
Le voyant lumineux s’allumera indiquant que la brosse rotative est en train de fonctionner.
Il faudra vérifier que les tuyéres ne sont pas bouchées et que la brosse rotative est en parfait état de propreté.
Aspiratéur à main:
Démonter l´aspirateur à main en appuyant sur les boutons de déverrouillage qui le fixent sur l´aspirateur.
Pour aspirer les endroits à accès difficile, la tuyére de l’aspirateur à main peut être retirée en la tirant légèrement jusqu’à sentir la butée .
Pour nettoyer des elements secs, aspirer dans un sens quelconque jusqu´à ce que la zone soit parfaitement proper. Ne remplissez pas trop le réceptacle à poussière.


Aspirador Escova:

Retire a escova do suporte da base do carregamento e pressione o interruptor de ligação.
A luz indicadora irá acender indicando que a escova rotativa se encontra em funcionamento..
É necessário verificar se os bicos não estão bloqueados e que a escova rotativa está perfeitamente limpa.

Aspirador de mão:

Desmontar á mão apertando o botão que fixa o aspirador de pó.
Para aspirar a áreas de difícil acesso, o bocal do aparelho de mão pode ser removido puxando delicadamente até sentir o batente.

Para aspirar restos secos, aspire em qualquer direcção até que a área esteja perfeitamente limpa.
Não encha demasiado o recipiente do pó.

Ana Rodrigues - Grupo SC-06/10

Advantage and Disadvantage of Electric Vehicles

In my opinion the electric vehicles are being more and more used in the car market, because they’re the best mobility solutions to meet the current issues of global warming, air quality we breathe and the dependence of fossil fuels. These vehicles moved at electric energy have many advantages and benefits, because they are the only ones with zero emissions(includes zero noise, zero emissions and zero greenhouse gas emissions), offer a driving experience characterized by a movement of the vehicle quieter and smoother and have a nice drive, eliminating the clutch pedal box and driving. But they also have disadvantages, because electric vehicles are still limited in autonomy when compared with vehicles with a combustion engine and need many charge time, though these problems can be solved with the technology evolution. Ana Rita Paulos SC – 06/10