quinta-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2012

The Internet

My name is Tiago Timóteo, I'm 27 and I use the internet every day.
Internet is a collection of networks that have revolutionized the world of computers and communications.
It is a means of communication and information used by millions of people. With the Internet we can see today's news, view weather forecasts, shop online, check our bank account, play games, listen to music, read newspapers, book trips and it even allows us to have a personal page to exchange messages and talk with our friends and family, despite being in distant places in the world.
It is very dangerous to make bank transfers due to piracy.
Our daily computer runs the risk of being contaminated with viruses than may damage it.
Around the world most of the families can not stand to live without the internet.

Tiago Timóteo
RT 05/11

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