terça-feira, 17 de abril de 2012


My name is Cristina Caetano and i love reading about astrology and physics. Nothing is more mysterious than time. It seems to be the most powerful force in the universe, carrying us from birth to death. But what exactly is it? Someone said::" If nobody asks me,I know what time is, but if I am asked then I am at a loss what to say"

segunda-feira, 16 de abril de 2012


My name is Sílvia Chorão.
I´m 41 years old and i live in Carvoeira.
I am married and have two beautiful daughters. We enjoy traveling on cruises beacause it allows to visit several
countries in one trip.
In one place we have the hotel, the best restaurants, casino, nightclub, spa, gym, cinema, shopping center, swimming pool, jacuzzi and many oyher fantastic things.
During the day we know the different cities or island of the trip and night, after a delicious dinner, we see a magnificent spectacle. These are the best vacation for the whole family.
You have to try.


These days the pen-and-paper method for personal organization is losing favor to the feature-rich personal digital assistant (PDA). The PDA was conceived as a hand-held digital organizer with essential features like a calendar, address book, and notepad, but has blossomed into a device capable of providing many of the same services as modern personal computers and cellphones. With some PDAs users can make calls, browse the Web, send e-mails, and organize their life, all with a compact, pocket-sized gadget

Nos Dias que correm, o método de caneta e papel para organização pessoal perdeu-se a favor dum assistente digital rico em recursos pessoais (PDA). O PDA foi concebido como um organizador de mão digital com elementos essenciais tais como calendário, agenda e bloco de notas, mas evoluiu para um dispositivo capaz de fornecer muitos dos diversos serviços dos modernos computadores pessoais e celulares. Com alguns usuais PDA,s, pode fazer chamadas, navegar na Web, enviar e-mails e organizar a sua vida, tudo com um compacto dispositivo de bolso.
Rui Lopes - RT06/11

quarta-feira, 11 de abril de 2012


My name is Nuno Barbosa'm 28 years old live in Carregado, I noticed that here spoke of several issues but none on the current economy, I think the economy should be attacked by the roots, one of them is the dependence of the raw material so that only some have, as Oil, I do not understand why they do not produce cars that run on water that already exist for years, or because the EDP does not invest in solar panels for the buildings instead of buying petroleum or gas to another country to produce electricity had when we are a country with an excellent sun exposure.

Nuno Barbosa

segunda-feira, 9 de abril de 2012

Jose Augusto Simões

My name is Jose Augusto Simões
I have fourty one years old
I´m portuguese
I live in Torres Vedras
I in my free time to play footbal and bike ride.
I enrolled in course of new opportunities in order to own recovery.
I hope have liked my presentation.
So i say goodbye.

Jose Augusto Simões

The Internet

Nowadays the Internet is almost essential to our
lives. It’s a very important tool for the search of information and
communication for people all over the world.

We could say that the Internet change the world to a
global village, because with the Internet we could interact to people in many
ways thanks to online communities, online chats, social networks and online
forums, that makes possible to communicate to other people, start a visual chat
witch a webcam, share opinions and ideas and even make new friendships that can
last forever.
Besides the communication, the Internet gives us
access to all kind of information, from simple tutorials to world news; it’s
the biggest and largest library in the world. We can learn almost anything and
we can watch all kind of things. We could almost say that with the internet all
that we need to know is at a distance of a few clicks.

Grupo:SC 06/11

sábado, 7 de abril de 2012

Internet came to globalize the world



Aujourd'hui l'adolescence est très preocupante.tenho deux enfants et je n'ai plus de craintes que ce qu'ils pourraient acontecer.Estou toujours leur donner des conseils tout en parlant sur ​​les questions à éviter que quelque chose se produise.
Il n'est pas facile parce qu'ils pensent qu'ils savent déjà et peuvent vous dire.
L'adolescence est tout à fait normal, juste à apprendre à comprendre et à aider dans leurs difficultés.

Ana Cristina Antunes Martins Luís – SC06/11

The Internet

the internet is a network of network
world of millions of computers
allows access to information and all kinds of
date transfer (download and upload).
some of the services available in internet, and the web, is to transfer
files(ftp), electonic mail (e - mail usually through the pop3 and smtp), newsletters(news or newsgrups), chats, instant messaging (msn messeger, sapo messeger yahoo messeger, blogs)

Ana Moreira

sexta-feira, 6 de abril de 2012

No obstante las dificultades, compensa formar una familia

Hoy en dia, es muy dificil para los jovens constituir familia. En media, ellos ganam 500/700 euro mes, cada uno y gran parte es gastado na hipoteca da casa que es cada vez mayor. La outra parte es para pagar telefon, gas agua, salude y escuela dos ninos. Los gastos son muchos...
Los gastos tienen que ser reduzidos, porque el dinero sobrante es poco.

Los jovens tienen que hacer otras cosas alternativas para aumentar el dinero de que disponen. De esta maneira, tienen que trabajar durante los fines de semana y hacer horas extra. Por otro lado, no pueden gastar dinero en ropa, las diversiones tienen que ser reduzidas y tampoco puedem andar de coche muchas veces.

Grupo: SC 05/11
Jorge Silva

quinta-feira, 5 de abril de 2012

Internet: Friend or Enemy

In my opinion, the Internet it’s a very good tool. It came to help us in our everyday life with its efficiency and responsiveness, both at work and leisure.
In my job, it’s useful, not only to research, but also to operating my workplace’s robot. The robot sometimes gives problems and is necessary to call for maintenance service. Thank’s to Internet, the company technicians, don´t have to be in our installations to access our databases and solve the problem. They can do it from their central work place. This minimizes time and costs, both to the maintenance company and us.
In my free time, I use it to communicate with family and friends, both inside and outside the country, quickly and easily, and also to watch movies or television, send and receive emails, listening to music, among others.
Despite the advantages, the internet also brings loneliness, because today's teenagers stay much more time closed in their rooms at the computer and don’t hang out with their friends. The other problem is when it is not used for the right proposes. In my opinion, there is some websites that should be more controlled, especially for young people access.

Ângela Filipe
Grupo: ST 02/12
Jorge Pimpão - grupo ST 01/12


L'Internet est un outil qui rassemble des personnes de tous âges, de cultures et d'idées à partir de n'importe où dans le monde, est également une source d'information sur n'importe quel sujet.Où puis-parler, envoyer du courrier, partager des fichiers, jouer à des jeux, est un monde dans nos mains

quarta-feira, 4 de abril de 2012

L `importance de la internet dans ma vie

J'utilise l'Internet depuis queques années.
C'est une façon de communiquer, travailler, jouer.
J'utilise (Facebook) pour communiquer avec la famille et des amis qui sont loin. Je utilise aussi pour vérifier les soldes bancaires, effectuer des paiements. J`ai dejá marqué l'hébergement de vacances .Avec le Google Earth,je vois les parcours des epreuves cyclistes auxquelles je participe comme membre de l`organization.

Jorge Ferreira Marques
Groupe SMAS Torres Vedras

terça-feira, 3 de abril de 2012

The importance of the Internet

It is a good role that the Internet represents, it is a feature that brings information, entertainment, and even a source of knowledge. And today is much more accessible and affordable. Besides being a great means of communication that brings people together more than any other, being in real time. And technology brings people together!

Elsa Gonçalves
ST 01/12

segunda-feira, 2 de abril de 2012

Parce que j´utilise internet
Internet m´a donné un jlus grand rapprochement des mes parents qui vivent em France et les Etats Unis s´Amérique . Com la caméra web peut olhor pour eux et toisons pour le moment. Nous le monde del´information en tout temps et sons quitter la maison. Il nous fait créer des habitudes quotidiennes de consultation sur l´internet parce que nous savons que nous avons les réponses. Ici est une portage de l´infomation de la connaissance que chaque personne a.
Luis jorge
grupo smtv

The importance of the Internet on a daily

The Internet has changed our lives. I use the internet, facebook or MSN to talk to my best friend, beyond entertainment Internet has become a working tool for the population and businesses by providing news, study, technology and even shopping locations. Today the Internet provides us make purchases without leaving home, making payments to avoid the long queues. We can also travel over the Internet and see the world without paying extra for it. I not know how to live without this mean of communication, so important to society.