Blogue criado com o objectivo de facultar uma plataforma de comunicação entre os candidatos ao processo de Reconhecimento, Validação e Certificação de Competências e como meio de acesso a informação relativa ao processo. Pretende-se, também, que este espaço seja uma forma privilegiada de demonstrar competências nas 3 Áreas de Competências-Chave do Referencial.
terça-feira, 27 de março de 2012
My Country
We are a friendly people, sympathetic, honest and hardworking.
We have great food and desserts from each region.
The beaches with a quality recognized through the blue flag.
Beautiful historic monuments, good spa, an excellent hotel.
We are a small country, but with great virtues and I am very proud to be Portugês.
My Country
We are a friendly people, sympathetic, honest and hardworking.
We have great food and desserts from each region.
The beaches with a quality recognized through the blue flag.
Beautiful historic monuments, good spa, an excellent hotel.
We are a small country, but with great virtues and I am very proud to be Portugês.
When I go on holidays I have to take my camera with me keep all the moments.
I really taking photos, because one day I will remember all these moments, by looking at then.
Eugénia Antunes RT06/11
The internet
I think the internet has changed the world, though it seems much smaller than it actually is. Within a few minutes we can know everything that happens in all corners of the world. I use the internet a lot to research.
Virgilio Teodoro, ST 02/12
segunda-feira, 26 de março de 2012
The Internet Impact in our Lives
The net brought us good as well as bad things in a day by day basis.
In general it made our lives much easier.
We can check news, shop online, receive and send e- mails, browe almost everything, even work online.
It also hase a dark side, things like scams, pishing, hacking and several websites which can bring problems to your life, are also part of the Word Wide Web.
But like everything in life, nothing is perfect, it was created by humans.
Sílvia Ribeiro
Grupo SC 05/11
Basically an any camera that is links, drifts of an only one beginning, a black bos with an orifice where the imge is cawght.
whem i go on holidays i do not dispense my camera, to guard all the moments.
I really like tirtar photos.
One day I will remember all these moments.
Eugénia Antunes RT06/11
sábado, 24 de março de 2012
My dog
terça-feira, 20 de março de 2012
The Internet is a conglomeration of ladder networks worldwide computer that allows access to information, instant communications and file compartments.
Allows access to social networks, including Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
I use facebook in order to be in contact with friends to re-find longtime friends and to research topics of my interest.
Teresa P. Santos
Grupo: ST02/12
segunda-feira, 19 de março de 2012
Our health and most importantthing can be whitout it we could not work take care of the people we like and live whit us,there have much focus on the power we have in our day to day also take into account the environment that we have.Also don't forget that we must help our environment to not be as pollued as we need it to have an air cleanner in my opinion each person have to do just a small gestore to help the world for he become much better and sometimes are just a so simple like:
the recycling of matrials.
try do don't use a veuicles that emit gases.
we really need to be careful whit this because it affects our health.
Sometimes already cought unexpected cliness that appear by surprise and we donot even know.
So the best will always try to prevent the inevitable pollution that we have in this country in this world only make us sick.
please we go all try together because we live in this world anda we have children's born into this world...
Laetitia Castro
sábado, 17 de março de 2012
My name is Helena Neto, I belong the group RT 05/11 Torres Vedras.
I must present here a work to the RVCC process.
I have a dream...
I dream that it is possible our planet will last forever.
That is not true, about half of the species on the planet can not exist within forty or fifty years.
I dream that the governments of all countries put environmental concerns over economic interests and take measures to stop the use of fossil fuels, and create conditions for investing in exploration of alternative energy sources like wind, solar, waves, hydrogen.
I dream that all men change their behavior and stop emit carbon dioxide and other harmful gases into the atmosphere.
I dream that the temperature will not rise and we can still stop the disastrous damage that might happen if we continue to think that environmental concerns do not relate to each of us individually.
But it's just a dream ...
quinta-feira, 15 de março de 2012
The importance of the Internet
I use the internet
Ana Trindade Malvar Antunes Ribeiro - Grupo RT 06/11
quarta-feira, 14 de março de 2012
Ilda Tavares, RVCC grupo SC 05/2011

segunda-feira, 12 de março de 2012
The internet
So in a few minutes we can know everything that goes on in every corner of the world.
I use the internet a lot in my life,as much on business, as on entertainment.
The internet is a great way to learn about everything. I usually make a selection of information because some isn’t real or credible.
Also I usually do online purchases.
Like everything in life, the Internet also has a bad side. Social networks are a good example.
In my opinion if not used correctly they can be very prejudicial. I think that people expose excessively their lives , sometimes they have no idea who might be on the other side reading and what they can do with the information.
Filomena Fernandes, ST 02/12
L'internet - une grande invention
Elsa Francisco – GRUPO ST 01/12
domingo, 11 de março de 2012
J’utilise l’ordinateur pour faire des travaux de l’école. J’utilise plusieurs programmes : le Powerpoint, le Word pour l’écrire des testes, l’Excel pour faire des graphiques, le Calculateur, l’Office, l’Outlook (le courrier électronique pour envoyer et recevoir des e -mails).Je joue aussi des cartes comme le «Solitaire » et d’autres jeux comme le « Freecell » et le « Minesweeper ».
Je fais des travaux chez moi mais comme je n’ai pas un imprimeur, je vais à un magasin pour les imprimer.
Alors, je n’utilise pas l' ordinateur seulement pour travailler. Je regarde des photos, des filmes en CD ou DVD, j’écoute de la musique et j’utilise aussi l’Internet.
L’Internet est très importante parce qu’on a la possibilité de communiquer avec des personnes qui sont très loin. Par exemple, j’ai des amis qui sont à l’étranger (France, Luxembourg, Belgique et Espagne) et je parle avec eux à travers le « Messenger», je les envoie aussi des e-mails avec des photos, des vidéos et même des musiques.
On peut aussi acheter des produits à l’Internet. Je fais beaucoup de courses, par exemple, au magasin virtuel de « La Redoute» entre autres.
Je travaille avec des personnes âgées qui, dans la plupart des cas, sont malades. Alors, j’utilise beaucoup l’Internet pour m'aider à mon métier.
Je m’intéresse beaucoup à plusieurs matières comme par exemple : des soins basiques de santé des malades et des âgés son alimentation, les meilleurs positons des malades pour éviter des blessures, comment travailler avec eux correctement, entre autres. Comme ce sont des sujets très importants pour améliorer mon travail, je faise beaucoup de recherches pour être toujours actualisée.
Mais il est nécessaire faire attention aux informations qu’on trouve sur Internet parce qu’elles ne sont pas toujours de confiance.
Par exemple, quand je fais des recherches sur quelques maladies, je consulte des pages du Ministère de la Santé parce que je suis sûre qu’elles ont des informations correctes que je peux appliquer dans mon métier.
Ana Luisa Martins Santos - ST-03/12
The revolution of the twentieth century
In my opinion the internet was a revolution of the twentieth century. More and more people may be closer to their family, even though we are far away physically. It is a close family, culture and knowledge. Nowadays we can do research on any subject that we want because the internet always has an answer. It is essential to know how to use new technologies and also be informed of the dangers inherent in its use.
Edgar Santos ST 02/12
sexta-feira, 9 de março de 2012
L’importance de l’internet
Comme ça la communication est mois cher et peut approcher les continentes, les peuples et les cultures.
Pour moi, l’internet est quelque chose d’extraordinaire.
João Camilo ST 01/12
quarta-feira, 7 de março de 2012
The internet
It gives me acess to a lot of information in a fast easy and efficient way, particularly in the e-mail and social networks that connect and gather people.
With the internet, I can also manage my bank account: transfer money, check the account and to make payments thus saiving time on trips to the bank.
We can also shop on the internet.
Grupo: ST 01/12 Maria João Tinoco
terça-feira, 6 de março de 2012
The importance of the Internet
Paula Patrício
Grupo ST 01/12
The importance of computers
The computer is used to receive and to process information. Can be used in any place thanks to the diversity of sizes and shapes.
The computer is a new learning method, it opens up new horizons.
The computer also brought innovation and easier life for companies.
Currently, companies cannot live without information technology support, and almost everything is solved thanks to it. Through the computer has emerged better communication, being the internet a good source of research and information exchange.
The computer is everywhere and is a technological wonder with many usefulness.
Maria Salomé Neves
segunda-feira, 5 de março de 2012
The Internet
Grupo: ST 01/12 Silvia Narciso
Mountain Biking - BTT
Initially I thought of "cycling" at the time called it mountain biking or just the part related to physical activity and its benefit to health. Playing sports today is imperative for many of us, given the growing and almost inevitable state of inactivity to which we are subject.
Right now I am an avid practitioner of mountain biking, so it gives me a pleasure to ride a bike through the fields and beaches where the air is already part of me.
José Simões
domingo, 4 de março de 2012
My Grandchildren
It`s wonderful being a grandfather. It`s a feeling that comes from within and is manifested with everyday relationships. A grandfather’s role in life is to spoil his grandchildren but is very gratifying. Being a grandfather is truly extraordinary.