We know that computers use a binary encoding. Binary because the way of how the processing is done in groups of multi-sequences of zeros and ones. It's all done through the main board known as the "motherboard", containing several connectors that we can highlight with easy visibility some slots better known as "sockets". PCI Express, SATA, USB and DDR are some of the most popular plug-ins. From this board we can connect all the other components of a computer. There is a processor, that explaining in a way that is easier to understand, is the brain of the computer. It is associated with the memory RAM - Random Access Memory; essential for it to work, and without this memory would never be possible to make all such computing for everything to appear on the screen. And of course, for having the connectivity and the possibility of having the visual presentation of everything that is going on in the computer through monitor screen, there is also the need to have a graphic card. The current graphics card have themselves a mini computer inside, due to technology innovation and following the evolution of consumer demands, requiring that the graphics quality must always be at the forefront. No less important that the components already referred, is the "notebook" that we can call the hard drive. It is through it that all processor “thinking’s” can be written in its interior, in the language that was previously mentioned, the binary language. The higher are the capacity, the cache that is the “amount of data written at a time" and the speed RPM - Rotation per minute of the hard drive, better will be the performance in partnership with the processor.
To have functionality, there must be a source of electrical power supply. This source has to have cables with 12V, 24V and 5V pin connectors, to transform the energy with the correct voltage for each component. For a good performance of this type of equipment for several years, we may join a UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply that serves to protect the computer from damages caused by power picks that may occasionally exist in the electrical distribution network either in our house or at work.
So, we should have as security methods some behaviors that I consider essential like a periodic checking of the cable connections that are attached to the machine, keyboard and mouse, power supply, VGA cable, and internet RJ45 cable that is attached to the router. Also we should do a periodic cleaning of the interior by a specialized technician and still, one of the most important rule, avoid leaving your computer on for several hours. If you have this habit, consider scheduling your operating system so that it turns to suspended mode automatically when there´s no use within no less than 30 minutes.
This description has been designed by me with the purpose of helping all users to know what to do in the future when something is not in its perfect condition when we operate a computer that has a so important role in our lives nowadays.
Luis Taveira
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